Benefits of Indoor Plants
House plants can make your home more beautiful and refreshing. They can make the ambiance more relaxing. They can also make guests feel more welcome when they step inside your home.
Plants Can Filter Toxic Components in Air
While plastic plants are inexpensive and easy to maintain, real plants are still better. They are more attractive and they can help purify the air inside your home.
A study at the University of Technology in Sydney has shown that your indoor plants can filter out various toxins in the atmosphere. You may not notice it, but the air you breathe is actually polluted by noxious gases from insulation, diy flooring, computers, and gas stoves. Your carpet, cosmetics, and furniture may also contribute to the toxins in the atmosphere.
You can keep aloe versa, azaleas, date palms, poinsettias, spider plants, philodendrons, and dieffenbachias to help eliminate formaldehyde in the atmosphere.
Formaldehyde can be present due to your carpeting, wallpaper and wooden products. It is unhealthy to let formaldehyde stay in the atmosphere since it can result in eye, throat, and nose irritation, as well as lead to lung cancer. So we should choose the reliable decor & wallpaper specialist to buy the better quality products.
Likewise, you can keep bamboo palms, African daisies, chrysanthemums, dragon plants, snake plants, and dracaena janet craigs to get rid of benzene in the atmosphere.
Benzene can be given off by rubber, plastic, and computers. It can cause headaches, loss of appetite, and anemia.
Aside from dragon plants and dracaena janet craigs, you can also keep English ivy to get rid of trichloroethylene given off by varnishes and paints. This gas can be harmful to your liver.
How to Choose and Buy Indoor Plants
Choose Which Can Survive in Flecked Lighting Condition
This plant must be able to survive amidst varying temperatures. When you first bring the plant into your home, you must acclimatize it gradually so it will not be shocked by the sudden change of temperature.
If the rooms in your home receive plenty of sunlight, you can get dumb canes, prayer plants, zebra plants, and tropical plants.
If your home is quite dark, you may opt for plants with dark green leaves instead. You can get Chinese lucky plants, kentia palms, happy plants, cast iron plants, peace lilies, and lady palms.
These plants tend to photosynthesize better than other house plants, so they can thrive in a dark room.
Choose Right Kind of Pots
Take note of the material, size, and style of the pots. You may want to invest in neutral-colored pots since they can blend well with most décors. Since you are on a budget, purchasing pots in bold colors is not practical. Pots can be expensive, so you must not choose pots that you know will eventually go out of style.
You can buy plastic pots that have drainage holes. These pots are a practical choice since you can just slip in the plants. They are also lightweight and easy to carry around the house. Do not buy ceramic or terracotta pots because they can make your plant cold in the winter.
Factor in Space
If you live in a spacious home, keeping house plants may not be a problem at all. However, if you have limited space, you may have difficulty fitting in your plants with your furniture, appliances, and décors. You may also have some difficulty with lighting. Flowering plants, for instance, need adequate lighting to survive.
Do not worry because you can still have small flowering plants in your small home. You can choose bamboo and cactus. These plants would look great on a coffee table.
You can also keep herbs in window boxes, as well as palms in free-standing pots.
Frequency of Maintenance
If you have a hectic schedule, maintaining a house plant may seem difficult. Hence, you should choose a type of plant that does not require much attention. For example, you may choose a cactus or an evergreen plant since they do not need to be monitored and watered constantly. Violets and exotic plants, on the other hand, are quite high maintenance.
Obviously, if you live somewhere that gets very cold during winter months, you must choose a plant that can survive such climate.
If you live in a tropical island or a sunny state, you can get flowering plants and other plants that grow well with plenty of sunlight.
If you live in a place that is typically humid, you can choose phalaenopsis and other orchids that can withstand high humidity.